Ein langer Name, ein kleines Dorf:

H O H E N R U P P E R S D O R F 

Each time I pronounce the name of this village I have to say it several times to be understood. Nobody knows where it is. Neither the people in Austria, nor those living outside. Saying the name in Spanish is complicated. Writing it is very long.

For two and a half years I have photographed Hohenruppersdorf. I was impressed by the landscapes and the farmers here, maybe because it is completely different from what I have seen before in Venezuela. Everyone has a different image of the countryside. For some this may be the typical village of Austria or in Europe: thousands of wind turbines, fields full of sunflowers, four seasons during the year and farmers with their hats passing on their tractors greeting everyone. It looks calm, productive and every piece of land is used to the maximum. For me, this is the typical landscape of the first world. 

The photographic work shown in this book raises questions about different notions of countryside, about history and familiarity, about what will come. It tells the story about Leopold and Katharina who are farmers and live in Hohenruppersdorf. The story comes with a personal text about my perception as a foreigner.

Digital version of the book HERE